Mission Statement

"Our mission is to help equip students to make disciples of our neighbors and the nations for the Glory of God."

Welcome to Journey Student Ministry, a ministry of Chillicothe Baptist Church.  Our goal in ministry is to offer relevant experiences for students in three main categories: conversion, transformation and missions. 

Conversion Reaching students with the Gospel of Christ

Transformation Worship, Discipleship, Serving

Missions Service in church, community and across the world

Meet Pastor Joe

Joe began his relationship with Jesus at the age of 19.  As a result, he has a drive to see others students know and grow in their relationship with the Lord at a young age.  The Lord has given Joe a unique personality that strives to make everyone feel welcomed and loved. He has traveled to many parts of the world on missions sharing about the love of our Lord, and he has been a part of Chillicothe Baptist since 2009.

He is married to his wife, Shannon, who is also actively involved in the student ministry. Shannon was saved at the age of six and has been raised in the church. However, through her own experiences the Lord has given her a passion for discipling young women.

Joe and Shannon have three children:  Kensley, Payton, and Bowen who are often seen wandering around with the students of the church.

Weekly Activities

7th-12th Grade

On Sunday mornings, our students meet in the student area for breakfast and a time of fellowship. Following this, students share in a time of worship and relevant teaching from the Bible in age-appropriate small groups.

Wednesday Evening

Wednesday evenings offer an opportunity for students to come together and develop meaningful relationships with God and one another.  Students are often split into gender specific small groups where the Bible is taught. Students are encouraged to own their faith through challenging discussions and topics.

Monthly Gatherings

Monthly Gatherings are meetings held at someone's home or another venue.  While here, students fellowship, worship and study the Bible. Some Gatherings involve a time of service for students in our community.  They are always relational and fun!

Yearly Events at a Glance

Winter Jam

Winterjam is an annual music concert featuring contemporary Christian music artists of all genres, and performances, as well as a tour speaker who presents the Gospel message.  It is the United States largest annual Christian Music Tour.  Every year our student group travels to Columbus for a fun night of worship at Winter Jam.

Winter Retreat

This is a weekend away in February designed to ignite a passion in young believers for living a radical life for Jesus Christ.  It is an engaging and exciting time of worship, fellowship and instruction from the Word of God. The weekend will include:

  • Powerful messages from faithful speakers
  • Intentional alone time and group discussion
  • Passionate, professional worship sessions
  • Activities & tournaments for everyone

Fuge Camp 

Fuge Camp offers an exciting, fun, and sometimes even messy opportunity for our students, but above all a week away to focus on ones relationship with Jesus.  Every moment spent at FUGE camps are intentional. Camp programming is designed to take students out of their normal routine and place them into an environment that is focused on life-change through relationship with Christ.  At MFuge, Students are divided into groups for Bible study and ministry based on the type of work they request.  During the day students will be challenged and stretched as individuals, in the evenings, they have an opportunity to build group unity over dinner, worship, fellowship and church group devotions. MFuge is designed to give students a mission experience that opens their eyes to similar opportunities they may have to serve in their own communities, learning to live life each day on mission!

Super Summer 

This Bible teaching and leadership conference is held at Cedarville University each June.  Super Summer is an intense week of Bible learning and leadership development for a select group of potential leaders within the local church. Students wishing to attend Super Summer should complete an application. This is for students who have completed 7th-12th grade.


So what do you do? It is VBS designed especially for preteens to experience the life changing message of Jesus Christ and what He's done for them.  It is designed so that the preteens can have their own unique VBS experience that occurs at the same time as VBS. The VBX offers Bible study time, games, recreation, missions and food every night!  

Mission Trip

A week away serving the Lord and others. Location and qualifications are to be determined yearly.

King's Island Trip

The start of every school year brings excitement and challenges; however, we like to begin the year with a trip to King's Island.  A day away of fellowship and encouragement while riding some rides!

Fall Retreat

Our fall retreat is a favorite time.  Students go away for the weekend to focus on the Lord.  Worship, encouragement from the Word and a time of fellowship is offered for each student that attends.

JSM Christmas Party

You never know what will happen at the Journey Student Christmas Party, but a time of fun and focusing for the Holiday Season is sure to happen!